Green solutions, such as solar panels and alternate off-grid water heating systems, are becoming popular among consumers who want to navigate loadshedding.
The cost of photovoltaic (PV) panels has dropped by 50% since the start of 2024. This makes solar power more accessible to those who still have not got off the grid, according to David Crawley, Head of Product Line at Electrolux Kwikot Watercare.
“It’s all to do with supply and demand,” he says, highlighting the impact of global events such as the war in Ukraine on the industry.
“At the beginning of 2023 when stage 6 loadshedding hit our shores, all who could afford to, put up inverter systems. The war at the time hampered the supply chain of components we needed, and it was a struggle to keep up with the high demand driven by stage 6 loadshedding.
“The demand is not as high this year as most have already made the change to solar. Added to that, the supply chain is open again, so we have an oversupply of PV panels bringing the price – for exactly the same product – down by 50%.”
Solar is their best product currently, with their Elon 100 PV heating system proving to be most popular. The heating system that can be retrofitted and needs no maintenance. With a smart connected thermostat, users can even operate their geysers with their smart phones. This smart system can also give the homeowner and idea of the geyser conditions, possible leaks and longevity.
Solar panels and alternative heating systems are proving their worth in the industry, according to Murray Crow, Electrolux Managing Director (MD) for South Africa. Electrolux acquired the Kwikot Group a few years back.
Gas geysers do fall under the 50% renewables bracket; however, Crawley points out that this does not qualify as renewable green gas. He advocates for retrofitting with solar water heaters, due to their cost-effectiveness and environmental benefits.
Source: Electrolux