There are now five SANS Certification Bodies.

Choice is something not everyone has, and this applied to having products and systems certified to hold the relevant SANS certification.

All five bodies are SANAS accredited making their Mark equal. Granted they are accredited for different product groups, and this is clearly identified in Plumbing Africa’s Certification Bodies Matrix. Herewith the link making the information available to all and at the same time eliminating any confusion.

Click here for matrix:

The South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) puts the applicants through stringent tests and checks laboratories, etc, as it does for all the categories it is responsible for.

This will be updated as we are advised by the bodies and by clicking on the logo one will go to the company’s website.

Equally should our user, as the matrix is only available online, spot a product or system missing, please let us know so we can check it out.

Bear in mind this applies to plumbing only.

So, there is no excuse for not gaining SANS certification, in fact manufacturers are spoilt for choice!

Please remember, Plumbing Africa and Plumbing Travelling Exhibitions only accept SANS certificated exhibitors regarding compulsory standards.

There is another bit of confusion which may as well be addressed in this article and that is JASWIC. A body that has and continues to serve industry by offering a listing process but is not an APPROVAL body, but and ACCEPTANCE body. This is clearly stated in their constitution and dictionaries of note refer to acceptance as just that, but NOT indicating approval.

Plumbing Africa Journal publishes their monthly updates as a service to both them and industry but please do not tout a JASWIC Acceptance certificate as an approval.

So, we look forward to manufacturers/suppliers’/ importers, whatever holding their heads up high and being correctly SANS certified.