JoJo has been making tanks and working for water security for 40 years. Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page to keep in the loop with SA’s biggest and most trusted supplier of water storage solutions.
Over the past 25 years, Calafrica (Pty) Ltd has been providing effective and
comprehensive water and fluid control products to the plumbing and construction
industry in South Africa. Established in 1995 by Avron Fullerton, Calafrica
continues to ensure safe and sustainable solutions to almost any situation where
the control of water pressure and flow is necessary, ensuring a high level of
system performance and efficiency that meets specific SANS and SABS
We can combine a multitude of products to UV-filter, carbon-filter, ceramic-filter, chill, heat and sparkle your water. No matter what your water need is, we have the products for you!

September 1, 2024|

By Tanya Olckers Local manufacturer SUPAHOT can produce 20 000 [...]

  • Watch out: if there’s a shower, there’s a mixer! Image supplied by Images supplied by Patrick Gordon
Balanced water and mixing points

January 8, 2024|

Contributed by Patrick Gordon of Calafrica ( This month Patrick Gordon takes a look at water pressure being balanced at all mixing points. […]

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